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Whois phone number Statistics of South Africa by Telecom Companies

Telecom Companies Area Code Whois Number Lookup Accuracy
Cellc Mobile 610, 611, 612, 613, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 62, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 74, 84 35%
Mtn Mobile 603, 604, 605, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 638, 639, 640, 655, 656, 657, 710, 717, 718, 719, 73, 78, 810, 83, 87260, 87740, 87741, 87742, 87743, 878450, 878451, 9602001, 9602002, 9603000, 9603001, 9603002, 9603003 34%
Olo 100, 10100, 10109, 101100, 101101, 101105, 101106, 101107, 101108, 101109, 101120, 10120, 101250, 10130, 101330, 101331, 101360, 10140, 10141, 101450, 101500, 101600, 101601, 101610, 101708, 101750, 10180, 10185, 1020, 102710, 102712, 102713, 102714, 102715, 102760, 102850, 102860, 102861, 102870, 10288, 103125, 103126, 103220, 103290, 103300, 10344, 10345, 103500, 103501, 103505, 103560, 104035, 104100, 104105, 10417, 104260, 104300, 1044, 104500, 104650, 10474, 104750, 104760, 10492, 10493, 10494, 104950, 104951, 104952, 104970, 10500, 105010, 105160, 105345, 105346, 105347, 105348, 105349, 105410, 105491, 105550, 1059, 10600, 10601, 106120, 106123, 106124, 106126, 106150, 106300, 106340, 1063600, 107300, 107301, 107440, 107530, 107531, 107532, 107533, 107534, 107770, 107860, 107861, 107862, 107863, 107864, 10822, 108230, 108231, 108232, 108233, 108234, 108235, 108236, 108237, 108238, 10824, 10860, 108650, 108800, 108801, 108802, 108803, 108804, 108805, 108806, 109000, 109001, 109002, 109003, 109004, 1097, 109800, 11, 12000, 12001, 120020, 120021, 120022, 120023, 12003, 12004, 120050, 120051, 120052, 120053, 120054, 120060, 120061, 120065, 120070, 120071, 120085, 120090, 120100, 120101, 120103, 120125, 120150, 120155, 120200, 120210, 120230, 120240, 120300, 120301, 120302, 120350, 120360, 120361, 120362, 12044938, 120450, 12050, 12060, 120650, 120706, 120720, 120721, 120722, 120723, 120724, 120725, 120726, 12080, 120910, 121003, 121100, 121101, 121102, 121103, 121104, 121110, 121111, 121117, 121118, 121119, 121235, 121250, 121330, 121360, 121400, 121401, 121450, 121500, 121510, 121610, 121750, 122710, 122760, 122850, 123890, 124100, 124105, 124540, 124550, 124750, 124760, 12492, 124970, 125010, 125100, 125160, 125343, 125550, 125620992, 125629100, 125740, 125800, 12586, 126120, 126300, 1274, 1275, 1276, 12770, 12771, 12772, 127770, 127860, 127861, 128300, 128650, 128800, 128801, 128802, 128803, 128804, 12881, 128820, 129120, 12940, 12941, 12942, 12943, 12944, 12945, 129460, 129461, 129462, 12947, 12948, 12949, 12950, 12951, 12952, 12953, 12954, 12955, 12956, 129800, 13000, 13001, 13002, 13004, 130070, 130090, 130100, 130101, 130106, 130130, 130131, 130150, 130210, 130240, 130360, 130450, 130650, 130706, 13080, 131010, 131011, 131012, 131013, 131014, 131100, 131101, 131102, 131103, 131104, 131105, 131200, 131201, 131202, 131203, 131204, 131330, 131360, 131500, 131610, 131705, 131708, 131800, 132850, 133010, 133120, 133300, 133440, 133441, 133442, 133443, 133444, 134035, 134140, 134780, 134920, 134921, 134922, 134925, 134970, 135160, 135180, 135410, 13590, 13591, 13592, 136120, 137270, 137860, 13811, 13812, 13813, 13814, 13815, 13816, 13817, 13818, 13819, 1382, 13830, 13831, 13832, 138540, 138800, 139120, 139403, 14000, 14001, 14004, 140070, 140085, 140090, 140100, 140130, 140240, 140450, 140500, 140650, 14080, 141010, 141120, 141330, 141500, 141510, 141530, 141610, 142850, 143120, 143300, 143440, 144035, 144140, 144630, 144950, 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87721, 87722, 87723, 87724, 87725, 87726, 87727, 877282, 8773, 87745, 87746, 87747, 87748, 87749, 87750, 87751, 87752, 87753, 87754, 87755, 87790, 87791, 87802, 87803, 87805, 87806, 87807, 87808, 87809, 878120, 87813, 878140, 878141, 878150, 878151, 87820, 87821, 878220, 878221, 878222, 878223, 878224, 87825, 878280, 87830, 87845, 87890, 878910, 87892, 87893, 87894, 87896, 87898, 879000, 879010, 879100, 879200, 879201, 879202, 879203, 879204, 87925, 87940, 87941, 87942, 87943, 87944, 87945, 879510, 87970, 87980, 87985, 879970, 879971, 88410283, 88600, 88601, 88602, 88603, 88604, 89000, 89008904, 90829848, 960210000, 98459241, 98499104, 99835955 27%
Other 43%
Telkom Mobile 61, 658, 659, 670, 671, 672, 676, 677, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 817, 9600000 30%
Vodacom Mobile 104953, 104954, 104955, 154952, 214931, 214932, 214933, 324931, 434922, 444922, 564921, 574921, 606, 607, 608, 609, 636, 637, 646, 647, 648, 649, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 673, 674, 675, 71, 72, 76, 79, 818, 819, 82, 87086, 87087, 87283, 87285, 87286, 87287, 87288, 87289, 87310, 9602005, 9602006, 9602007, 9602010, 9602011 23%

Reverse Phone Lookup Statistics of South Africa by City

City List Whois Number Lookup Accuracy
Roodepoort 21%
Zeerust 32%
Wolmaransstad 40%
White River 23%
Witbank 43%
Westonaria 49%
Wesselsbron 20%
Welkom 37%
Warrenton 44%
Warmbaths 38%
Vryheid 21%
Vryburg 46%
Volksrust 48%
Virginia 23%
Viljoenskroon 39%
Vereeniging 37%
Vanderbijlpark 46%
Upington 23%
Mthatha 42%
Umkomaas 35%
Ulundi 42%
Uitenhage 24%
Tzaneen 40%
Thohoyandou 22%
Theunissen 48%
Thaba Nchu 49%
Tembisa 33%
Stutterheim 22%
Stilfontein 49%
Stanger 45%
Standerton 44%
Springs 40%
Soweto 28%
Somerset East 26%
Siyabuswa 28%
Senekal 26%
Secunda 29%
Scottburgh 22%
Schweizer-Reneke 23%
Sasolburg 41%
Rustenburg 35%
Richmond 29%
Richards Bay 21%
Reitz 32%
Randfontein 46%
Queenstown 20%
Queensdale 47%
Pretoria 47%
Mokopane 28%
Potchefstroom 36%
Port Shepstone 33%
Port Elizabeth 39%
Port Alfred 40%
Plettenberg Bay 39%
Piet Retief 45%
Polokwane 37%
Pietermaritzburg 38%
Phuthaditjhaba 25%
Phalaborwa 38%
Parys 44%
Pampierstad 38%
Oudtshoorn 49%
Orkney 23%
Modimolle 28%
Nkowakowa 36%
Nigel 31%
Newcastle 42%
Nelspruit 29%
Mpumalanga 35%
Mpophomeni 29%
Mossel Bay 37%
Mondlo 46%
Mmabatho 34%
Middelburg 49%
Middelburg 42%
Messina 35%
Margate 30%
Mabopane 37%
Lydenburg 41%
Louis Trichardt 48%
Lichtenburg 42%
Lebowakgomo 24%
Lady Frere 27%
Ladybrand 39%
Kutloanong 27%
Kruisfontein 48%
Krugersdorp 21%
Kroonstad 37%
Kriel 42%
Komatipoort 29%
Kokstad 48%
Knysna 42%
Klerksdorp 36%
Kimberley 47%
Johannesburg 36%
Howick 44%
Hennenman 40%
Hendrina 44%
Heilbron 44%
Heidelberg 20%
Harrismith 42%
Grahamstown 33%
Graaff-Reinet 40%
Giyani 30%
George 42%
Ga-Rankuwa 48%
Fort Beaufort 34%
Fochville 33%
eSikhawini 48%
Ermelo 43%
Empangeni 40%
eMbalenhle 23%
East London 23%
Durban 36%
Dundee 45%
Duiwelskloof 31%
Driefontein 22%
Delmas 33%
De Aar 33%
Cullinan 21%
Cradock 38%
Christiana 23%
Carletonville 40%
Butterworth 26%
Bronkhorstspruit 26%
Brits 35%
Brakpan 42%
Botshabelo 39%
Bothaville 22%
Boksburg 46%
Bloemhof 34%
Bloemfontein 40%
Bhisho 27%
Bethlehem 49%
Bethal 48%
Benoni 33%
Beaufort West 37%
Barberton 22%
Ballitoville 22%
Balfour 33%
Allanridge 40%
Aliwal North 33%
Ekangala 31%
Midrand 40%
Centurion 45%
Worcester 22%
Stellenbosch 26%
Saldanha 41%
Paarl 41%
Malmesbury 43%
Lansdowne 48%
Kraaifontein 47%
Hermanus 27%
Grabouw 48%
Ceres 33%
Cape Town 22%
Atlantis 37%
Rondebosch 47%
Retreat 41%
Diepsloot 23%
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