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Free Reverse Phone Lookup Argentina

We promise to all citizens of Argentina that Reverse Phone Lookup facility provided by us is 100% free, you are free to use to know mobile number details from anywhere at any time.

Whois phone number Statistics of Argentina by Telecom Companies

Telecom Companies Area CodeWhois Number Lookup Accuracy
Buenos Aires1120%
Central221, 223, 230, 236, 237, 249, 261, 264, 291, 299, 332, 336, 341, 342, 343, 3462, 3464, 3476, 348, 351, 353, 3541, 3543, 3571, 358, 362, 3784, 37943%
Mobile11200, 112010, 112011, 11204, 11281, 11371590, 11371591, 11371592, 11399, 114040, 114150, 114154, 1141556, 1141557, 1141558, 114337, 114377, 114385, 114527, 114560, 114561, 114562, 11459, 114615, 1146750, 1146751, 1146759, 114677, 114678, 114681, 114685, 114818, 114868, 114869, 114906, 114907, 114908, 114929, 114967, 114976, 114977, 114978, 114987, 114996, 115100, 115130, 115202, 115203, 115206, 115207, 115209, 115211, 115213, 115214, 115251, 115330, 115381, 115398, 115399, 117068, 117069, 117070, 117071, 117072, 117085, 117086, 117087, 2202400, 2202401, 2202508, 2202509, 220259, 220261, 2204122, 2204123, 2204124, 220413, 2204319, 2204700, 2204701, 2204702, 2204703, 2204704, 220472, 2204759, 220488, 2213127, 2213128, 221401, 221403, 2214046, 2214047, 2214048, 2214049, 221405, 221407, 221430, 221458, 221467, 2215003, 2215004, 221510, 221653, 2216580, 2216581, 2216582, 2221400, 2221404, 2221405, 2221419, 2223400, 2223401, 2223450, 2223451, 2224450, 2224451, 2224452, 2224453, 2224525, 2224526, 2224527, 2224528, 222461, 2225454, 2225457, 2225458, 2225490, 2225495, 2225500, 2225501, 2225502, 2225503, 2226400, 2226401, 2226450, 2226451, 2226485, 2226594, 2226634, 2226635, 2226636, 2227400, 2227401, 2227450, 2227451, 2229400, 2229401, 2229408, 2229409, 222954, 2233119, 223401, 223403, 2234049, 223405, 223408, 223457, 223458, 223459, 2234604, 2234607, 223500, 223643, 223644, 2236526, 2236527, 2236528, 2236529, 2236645, 2236646, 2241400, 2241401, 2241402, 2241450, 2241451, 2241459, 2241503, 2242410, 2242411, 2242492, 2243427, 2243428, 2243499, 2244410, 2244411, 2244412, 2244489, 224541, 2245490, 2246480, 2246489, 2246498, 2246499, 2246539, 2252400, 2252401, 2252459, 2252480, 2254420, 2254421, 2254426, 2254427, 2254455, 2255400, 2255402, 2255407, 2255437, 225549, 225745, 2257513, 2261404, 2261408, 2261409, 2262370, 2262371, 2262372, 2262460, 2262461, 2262462, 2262463, 2262611, 2264402, 2265405, 2265406, 2265409, 2266450, 2266451, 2266452, 2266453, 2266492, 2267415, 2267460, 2267461, 2267463, 226845, 2271492, 2272412, 2272413, 2272499, 2273415, 2273419, 2274407, 2274408, 2274490, 2281450, 2281451, 2281452, 2281453, 2281614, 2283400, 2283403, 2283404, 2284240, 2284460, 2284461, 2284462, 2284463, 2284494, 2284678, 2285400, 2285403, 2285404, 2286400, 2286406, 2286407, 2291490, 2291492, 2291498, 2291500, 2292404, 2292415, 2292417, 2292418, 2296404, 2297400, 2297415, 2297416, 2302389, 2302450, 2302451, 2302452, 2302589, 2304200, 2304201, 2304248, 2304279, 2304453, 2304459, 2304477, 2304516, 2304517, 2304518, 2304524, 2314430, 2314431, 2314432, 2314438, 2316409, 2316499, 2317482, 2317483, 2317500, 2320258, 23202641, 23202642, 232027, 2320339, 2320359, 2320362, 2320368, 2320369, 2320459, 2320528, 2320599, 2320619, 2323220, 2323311, 2323464, 2323469, 2323480, 2323489, 2323490, 2323502, 2323508, 2323509, 232445, 2325450, 2325451, 2325452, 2326415, 2326416, 2326428, 2331400, 2331405, 2331406, 2333400, 2333430, 2333431, 2334416, 2334417, 2334480, 2336411, 2336412, 2336490, 2337418, 2337419, 2338416, 2338417, 2342488, 2342489, 2342490, 2342500, 2343400, 2343415, 2343416, 2344437, 2344448, 2344449, 2344491, 2344492, 2344494, 2345450, 2345451, 2345452, 2345570, 2345571, 2346311, 2346312, 2346405, 2346450, 2346451, 2346452, 2346453, 2346586, 2352492, 2352499, 2352500, 2353400, 2354404, 2354405, 2354419, 2355450, 2355451, 2355452, 2356400, 2356417, 2356418, 2357400, 2358404, 2358414, 2358427, 2364290, 2364291, 2364293, 2364460, 2364461, 2364462, 2364463, 2364530, 2374150, 2374151, 2374152, 2374153, 237427, 237429, 237490, 2392450, 2392451, 2392452, 2392485, 2392699, 2393400, 2394400, 2394401, 2394447, 2394448, 2395404, 2395447, 2395448, 2396460, 2396461, 2396462, 2396463, 2473490, 2473495, 2473530, 2473531, 2474450, 2474451, 2474452, 2475429, 2475430, 2475490, 2477460, 2477461, 2477462, 2477463, 2477481, 247849, 2478526, 2494261, 2494262, 2494384, 2494460, 2494461, 2494462, 2494463, 2604068, 2604069, 2604247, 2604248, 2604249, 2604315, 260446, 2604484, 261211, 261260, 2612626, 261370, 261371, 261372, 261380, 261400, 261401, 261403, 2614048, 2614049, 261455, 261456, 261457, 2614800, 2614809, 261483, 2614899, 2616024, 2616289, 2622315, 2622318, 2622319, 2622320, 2622321, 2622322, 2622323, 2622460, 2622461, 2622462, 2622500, 2624442, 2624443, 262447, 2624491, 2625440, 2625441, 2625442, 2625443, 2625602, 2626406, 2626482, 2626483, 2626490, 263426, 2634294, 2634295, 2634296, 2634297, 263445, 2644026, 2644029, 264437, 264438, 264479, 2644940, 2644944, 264500, 2646010, 2646404, 2646405, 2647400, 2647417, 2647418, 2648400, 2648405, 2648406, 2651400, 2655403, 2655404, 2655491, 2656400, 2656450, 2656451, 2657260, 2657261, 2657446, 2657460, 2657461, 2657462, 2657463, 26574995, 2657730, 2657731, 2657736, 2657737, 2658400, 2658403, 2658404, 2664247, 2664462, 2664470, 2664471, 2664472, 2664473, 266478, 2664911, 2664912, 2664918, 2804222, 2804460, 2804461, 2804469, 2804500, 2804501, 2804502, 2804774, 2804775, 2804776, 2804945, 2804946, 2804948, 2804949, 2901460, 2901461, 2901462, 2901463, 2901523, 2901578, 2901579, 2902400, 2902401, 2902408, 2902409, 2903400, 2914608, 2914609, 291480, 2914878, 2914879, 291489, 291500, 291519, 2915202, 2915203, 2915309, 2915510, 2915528, 2915529, 2920387, 2920388, 292045, 2920599, 2921404, 2921436, 2921437, 2922410, 2922436, 2922437, 2923455, 2923480, 2923481, 2923482, 2924400, 2924435, 2924436, 29254900, 29254901, 2926490, 2926499, 2926504, 2926505, 2927400, 2927414, 2927415, 2928400, 2928430, 2928431, 2929400, 2931404, 2931422, 2931423, 2932450, 2932451, 2932452, 2932453, 2932490, 2933400, 2934404, 2934515, 2934516, 2934539, 2935400, 2936400, 2940400, 2940440, 2940441, 2942334, 2942335, 2942372, 2942450, 2942451, 2942452, 2944372, 294445, 2944837, 2944838, 2944839, 2945460, 2945461, 2945572, 2945573, 2945660, 2945666, 2946400, 2946420, 2946421, 2946502, 2946503, 2946504, 2948400, 2948438, 2948439, 2948445, 2952404, 2952414, 2952415, 2953400, 2954470, 2954471, 2954472, 2954473, 2954482, 2954634, 2954710, 2962400, 2962426, 2962427, 2962466, 2962467, 2962486, 2963400, 2963405, 2963406, 2963418, 2964460, 2964461, 2964462, 2964595, 2964596, 2966238, 2966239, 2966460, 2966461, 2966462, 2966463, 2966689, 2966733, 2972400, 2972404, 2972409, 2972461, 2972462, 297450, 297451, 2974520, 2974521, 2974522, 2974886, 2974887, 2974888, 2974889, 297511, 2975196, 2975197, 2975219, 2982410, 2982411, 2982490, 2983450, 2983451, 2983452, 2983630, 2984296, 2984297, 298447, 2984817, 2984818, 2984819, 299431, 299439, 2994830, 2994839, 2995001, 2995002, 2995139, 2995655, 2995656, 299566, 299591, 2996138, 2996139, 2996367, 2996535, 2996549, 2996752, 332945, 3364100, 3364101, 3364261, 3364262, 3364478, 336449, 3382450, 3382459, 3385450, 3385451, 3385452, 3385459, 3387482, 3387497, 3388450, 3388452, 340045, 3401430, 3401438, 3401439, 3402450, 3402451, 3402452, 3402459, 3404440, 3404449, 3405450, 3405452, 3406450, 3406452, 3407460, 3407461, 3407462, 3407463, 3408450, 3408459, 3409450, 3409452, 341222, 341223, 341236, 3412850, 3412851, 341401, 3414039, 341404, 3414069, 341408, 341467, 341469, 341470, 341475, 341476, 3417320, 3424014, 342402, 342403, 342464, 342465, 3424980, 3424987, 3424989, 342574, 3426337, 3426338, 3426350, 3426351, 3426352, 3426353, 3434020, 3434021, 3434022, 3434023, 343477, 343481, 343483, 343484, 3435270, 3435271, 3435490, 3435493, 3435494, 3436450, 3436451, 3436459, 3437450, 3437452, 3438450, 3438452, 3442460, 3442468, 3442469, 3442655, 3442656, 3444450, 3444451, 3444452, 3444459, 3445450, 3445452, 344645, 3446477, 3447450, 3447458, 3447578, 3447579, 3454300, 3454301, 3454302, 345435, 345436, 3454460, 3454461, 3454987, 3454988, 3454989, 3455450, 3455451, 3455452, 3456451, 3456452, 3456493, 3458452, 3458497, 3460450, 3460452, 3462446, 3462447, 3462448, 3462483, 3462484, 3462486, 3463452, 3463496, 346445, 3465460, 3465463, 3465468, 3465469, 3466450, 3466451, 3466452, 3466453, 3467490, 3467497, 3468430, 3468439, 3468601, 3468602, 3469450, 3469452, 3471322, 347147, 3471481, 347245, 3472497, 347645, 3482356, 3482357, 3482358, 34823590, 3482447, 3482450, 3482458, 3482459, 3482658, 3483450, 3483452, 3484229, 3484285, 3484400, 3484402, 3484403, 3484404, 3484459, 3484484, 3484492, 3484497, 3487455, 3487456, 3487498, 3487500, 3487501, 3487502, 3489443, 3489445, 3489491, 348950, 3491450, 3491451, 3491459, 3492409, 3492460, 3492462, 3492463, 3492464, 3493450, 3493458, 3496450, 3496451, 3496452, 3496459, 3496463, 3497480, 3497482, 3498470, 3498473, 351400, 351401, 351405, 351407, 351436, 351437, 351438, 351439, 3514440, 3514448, 3514449, 3514907, 3516496, 3516497, 3516498, 3516556, 351711, 351712, 351724, 351797, 351798, 3518353, 3521480, 3521483, 3521520, 3522450, 3522452, 3524495, 3524498, 3525450, 3525451, 3525452, 3525459, 3532460, 3532461, 3532462, 3532463, 3533450, 3533452, 353456, 353457, 3534725, 3534726, 3534800, 3534890, 3534891, 3534892, 353558, 3535664, 3535665, 3537451, 3537452, 3537484, 3537488, 3537489, 35412632, 35412633, 3541326, 3541327, 354146, 3542462, 3542463, 35433300, 354347, 3543647, 3543688, 3544450, 3544458, 3544459, 3544487, 3546470, 3546479, 3547409, 3547482, 3547485, 3547486, 3547487, 3547499, 3548440, 3548460, 3548461, 3548469, 3549450, 3549451, 3549452, 3549453, 3562450, 3562452, 3563490, 3563495, 3564309, 3564353, 3564354, 3564355, 3564442, 3564447, 3564448, 3564449, 3564477, 3564493, 357145, 357245, 3573452, 3573492, 3574450, 3574451, 3574452, 3575481, 3575482, 3575483, 3576400, 3576439, 3576460, 3576469, 3582460, 3582461, 3582462, 3582463, 3583482, 3583483, 3584100, 3584150, 3584151, 3584453, 3584454, 3584490, 3584495, 3584720, 3584721, 3584727, 3584728, 358473, 358474, 3584889, 3584897, 3584898, 3584899, 3585050, 3585051, 3585490, 3585497, 3624180, 3624181, 3624190, 3624191, 3624192, 3624193, 3624199, 3624454, 3624455, 3624457, 3624477, 3624588, 3624589, 3625315, 3625316, 3625317, 3644263, 3644264, 3644280, 3644281, 3644282, 3644283, 3644441, 3644442, 3644447, 3644496, 3704470, 3704477, 3704478, 3704479, 3704495, 3704912, 3704913, 3704920, 3704921, 3704922, 3704929, 3711490, 3711493, 3715485, 3715495, 3716490, 3716498, 3718490, 3718494, 3718495, 3721481, 3721482, 3725450, 3725451, 3725452, 3731490, 3731495, 3734490, 3734496, 3734527, 3734528, 3735450, 3735451, 3735458, 3741490, 3741496, 3743492, 3743494, 3751472, 3751473, 3751474, 3751497, 37516501, 3751651, 3751652, 3754450, 3754452, 3755393, 3755450, 3755451, 3755459, 3756450, 3756452, 3756478, 3756479, 3757492, 3757494, 3757495, 3757635, 3757636, 3758450, 3758452, 376447, 3764598, 3764599, 3764956, 3764957, 3764959, 3765000, 3765001, 3765002, 3765003, 3772495, 3772496, 3772497, 3773490, 3773496, 3773497, 3774460, 3774461, 3774462, 3775490, 3775491, 3775492, 3777380, 3777386, 3777387, 377744, 3781480, 3781485, 3782470, 3782472, 3786450, 3786459, 3794185, 3794186, 3794187, 3794419, 379448, 3794988, 3794989, 3795480, 3795481, 3795482, 380448, 3804748, 3804846, 3804847, 3804905, 3804906, 3804969, 381307, 381316, 381321, 3813244, 3814528, 381470, 381471, 3814897, 3814898, 3814899, 3821485, 3821494, 3825481, 3825488, 3825489, 3826470, 3826473, 3827450, 3827452, 3832462, 3832465, 383407, 3834096, 3834460, 3834463, 3834468, 3834469, 3834487, 3834754, 383484, 3835440, 3835441, 3835442, 3835443, 3835481, 3835489, 3837472, 3837474, 3838490, 3838493, 3841497, 3841498, 3843450, 3843452, 3844477, 3844484, 3844487, 3844516, 3844517, 3844518, 3844519, 3845490, 3845493, 3846490, 3846495, 3854494, 3854495, 3854498, 385460, 385461, 3854900, 3854907, 3854948, 3854949, 3854958, 3854959, 3854969, 3855336, 3855337, 3855338, 3855339, 3855490, 3855495, 3856495, 3856496, 3857480, 3857484, 3858492, 3858493, 3858498, 3861450, 3861458, 3862480, 3862488, 3863450, 3863458, 3863459, 3865380, 3865381, 3865450, 3865451, 3865458, 3865459, 3865754, 3865755, 3867490, 3867495, 3867496, 3868450, 3868458, 3869490, 3869498, 3873450, 3873451, 3873459, 38734906, 3873629, 387460, 387461, 3874980, 3874987, 3874989, 3875580, 3875581, 3876075, 3876076, 3876077, 3876078, 387608, 3876477, 3876478, 3876496, 3876497, 3876585, 3877450, 3877458, 3877520, 3877521, 3877522, 3877523, 3878440, 3878447, 3878448, 3878449, 3878606, 3878665, 3878666, 3878667, 388401, 388450, 3884890, 3884899, 3885337, 3885338, 3885339, 3885472, 3885476, 3885920, 3885921, 3885922, 3885958, 3886472, 3886473, 3886474, 3887472, 3887473, 38884771, 3888483, 3888486, 3888487, 388859, 3891490, 3891495, 3892490, 3892495, 3894490, 3894495, 670, 675, 939%

Reverse Phone Lookup Statistics of Argentina by City

City ListWhois Number Lookup Accuracy
Villa Ocampo37%
Villa Lugano34%
Villa Gesell36%
San Vicente45%
Santo Tome47%
Santa Elena34%
San Pedro45%
San Luis del Palmar35%
San Lorenzo40%
San Javier33%
San Isidro28%
Puerto Rico40%
Puerto Iguazu29%
Puerto Esperanza21%
Puerto Eldorado25%
Paso de los Libres20%
Monte Caseros29%
Mar del Plata45%
La Plata43%
La Paz42%
Jardin America49%
Gobernador Ingeniero Valentin Virasoro30%
General Jose de San Martin20%
El Soberbio24%
Curuzu Cuatia32%
Concepción del Uruguay23%
Buenos Aires45%
Aristóbulo del Valle36%
Yerba Buena32%
Villa Regina32%
Villa Paula de Sarmiento49%
Villa Nueva47%
Villa Maria25%
Villa Dolores42%
Villa Constitución38%
Villa Carlos Paz47%
Villa Ángela28%
Villa Allende39%
Venado Tuerto42%
Veinticinco de Mayo21%
Tres Isletas35%
Tres Arroyos47%
Termas de Rio Hondo34%
Tafi Viejo49%
Santo Tome42%
Santiago del Estero42%
Santa Rosa26%
Santa Lucia38%
Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz39%
San Salvador de Jujuy45%
San Ramón de la Nueva Oran33%
San Rafael34%
San Pedro25%
San Nicolas de los Arroyos49%
San Miguel de Tucuman34%
San Martin de los Andes34%
San Martin21%
San Luis36%
San Justo40%
San Juan35%
San Jose de Jachal37%
San Jorge40%
San Francisco22%
San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca41%
San Antonio Oeste25%
Rio Tercero33%
Rio Segundo22%
Rio Gallegos34%
Rio Cuarto34%
Rio Ceballos40%
Punta Alta30%
Puerto Madryn34%
Presidencia Roque Saenz Peña25%
Nueve de Julio47%
Marcos Juarez22%
Libertador General San Martin40%
Las Breñas35%
La Rioja29%
La Falda47%
La Calera39%
Joaquin V. Gonzalez23%
Jesus Maria35%
Granadero Baigorria38%
Gobernador Galvez29%
General Roca35%
General Pinedo48%
General Pico29%
General Enrique Mosconi46%
El Bolsón37%
Dean Funes36%
Cruz del Eje32%
Coronel Suarez46%
Comodoro Rivadavia23%
Cinco Saltos29%
Capitan Bermudez49%
Cañada de Gómez23%
Caleta Olivia40%
Bell Ville21%
Bella Vista26%
Bahia Blanca33%
Arroyo Seco45%
Alta Gracia23%
Villa Santa Rita38%
Villa Mercedes22%
San Carlos de Bariloche49%
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